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Basic Usage

This section deals with the basics of using Aruna. The first step is a basic introduction on how to get access to the storage system. In addition, there is a simple tutorial on how to connect to the gRPC endpoint of an Aruna instance using the client API packages and initialize the individual client services. However, this addition is only relevant if you plan to use one of the gRPC clients provided by our API packages.

Finally, the next sections deal with the individual resource client services which can also be selected individually in the navigation on the left side.

Please note that we try to make the documentation as complete as possible. Each listed operation is explained with a short description and minimalistic examples for isolated use. If API examples for specific operations are missing, please refer to our full Aruna REST API Swagger-UI, which provides a complete overview of the Aruna API endpoints and their matching requests and responses.

Let's get started 🚀